Miscellaneous Fully forged rose climber. Fully forged rose climber. Detail shot. Security Vine. 2016. Security Vine. 2016. Door Handles. 2015. Pit Grille. 2015. Copper and Totara grave marker. 2015. Copper and Totara grave marker. 2015. Forged steel and copper grave marker. 2007. Karl Blossfeldt Lamp. Karl Blossfeldt Lamp. Karl Blossfeldt Lamp. Cleaver with greenstone handle by Joe Sheehan. Forged garden frames. 2014. Forged garden frames. 2014. Forged garden frames. Forged bowls. Forged bowls. Rose. Rose. Set of four wall braziers for the TV series Spartacus. Barbarian Gladius for the TV series Spartacus. Folding table for the TV series Spartacus. Roman Gladius for the TV series Spartacus. Lotus Brazier. Lotus Brazier. Braziers for the TV series Spartacus. Large braziers for the TV series Spartacus. Large braziers for the TV series Spartacus.